Sunday, December 13, 2009


你有情人吗?你也许会说,找情人,太简单了.其实你错了,情人并不是象许多人想象的那样,互有好感上过床了就是情人了.情人是一个很美的字眼,它清丽,婉 约,淡雅,绵远悠长,它是行走在朋友,红颜知己,爱人边缘的一种情,比爱人多了一份浪漫,比朋友多了一份知心,比红颜知己多了一层身体上的信息.朋友是相 互信任,爱人是相互包容,红颜知己是相互欣赏,情人是综合了这一切因素的自然结果,它有可能缘于朋友的信任,再后是红颜知己的欣赏,因为情深所至而情不自 禁,它可以被你称为情人了.但还不是真正意义上的情人.真正的情人是距离产生出的美,是若即若离的思念,是无人分享的情趣,是除了妻子或丈夫以外的唯一, 是锦上添花的极致.情人绝不会扰乱彼此的生活,更不会半路移情别恋,而是只为了一句誓言就足够等候一生。

Lover? You may say, find a lover, it's 2 simple. In fact u are wrong, n not as many people imagine, once you both are on the bed and tt's lover. Lover is a very beautiful, graceful words, it is beautiful and elegant, or is it far to walk in the long, friend, lover of edge confidante, a kind of affection, love more than a romantic, more than a bosom friend, more than a so called physical 'friend'. Friends is mutual trust and mutual tolerance, love is mutual appreciation and confidante is valentine is a natural result of all these factors, it might be because of the trust, then friend is confidante, because of love, it can find and could you called lover. But still is not real lover. True lover is produced from the beautiful, is dominated miss, is no fun, share is besides the wife or husband, is beyond the brocade acme. Valentine wouldn't disturb each other's life, more not halfway predisposed toward, but only for a pledge is enough for ur entire life.


Lovers - both emotional integration, also have physical needs. Each other to appreciate each other, love, don't have to be a purpose, even other source of pain, sensibility and rational combined properly.

p/s : please appreciate n cherish abt ur lover n urs relationship...